A Nez Perce Creation Story: Heart of the Monster
Archaeologically speaking, the Nez Perce tribe has been in modern-day Idaho for more than 16,000 years. But where did it all begin? Listen as tribe member Mary Jane Oatman shares the creation story of the Nez Perce, the Heart of the Monster.

Follow in Their Footsteps
Plan your own journey tracing the path of the Nez Perce people, and learn about their significant impacts and rich history throughout Idaho. Download or order your free Official Idaho Travel Guide to read the story.
Cultural Connections
Watch Idaho’s vibrant history come to life. From tribal art and creation stories to savory and surprising international cuisine, learn how these diverse cultures have shaped Idaho.
Sacajawea’s Legacy: A Family Journey in Idaho
Chantay Mejia | Shoshone-Bannock Tribe
Antoinette Peters | Coeur d’Alene Tribe
Kit Julianto | Shoshone-Paiute Tribe
Kitchens of Idaho
Minidoka National Historic Site