The historic Polly Bemis Ranch, located on the Main Salmon River, is named after an incredible woman. She lived in Idaho from the day she arrived in 1872 to her death in 1933. In 1967—when Polly’s log cabin was deemed a National Historic Site—Idaho Governor Cecil Andrus called her “the foremost pioneer on the rugged Salmon River.” How did this indomitable woman carve a life in this remote area surrounded by the Frank Church–River of No Return Wilderness? Listen as a local jet boat guide shares an overview of her fascinating 80-year history. Uncover the history of this area firsthand when you book your own Salmon River jet boat tour.
Browse historical photos courtesy of the Idaho State Archives for a look at Polly’s life in Idaho.
Discover the people, places and stories that create Idaho’s unique history and culture. Whether strolling through museum exhibits or hiking to significant sites, you can find opportunities to engage with the diverse cultures that shape Idaho across the state.