The summer vacation season is fast approaching, and while this year may be a little different than previous years, it’s hard to avoid dreaming about those special Idaho vacation destinations that have stolen your heart time and time again.

We believe Idaho is one of those places. We’ve heard your stories about the favorite camping spots, summer hikes, and magical Idaho destinations that are part of your summer vacation DNA. And now, we want to share those stories.

For some, it’s an Idaho camping spot that you visited as a child, and now as the years have rolled on, you’ve visited the same site with a special someone, returning again after being married, and still visit now with kids in tow. While we believe Idaho should be on everyone’s bucket list, we also believe that Idaho is a vacation destination that will continue to surprise you each time you visit.
What treasured Idaho location holds special meaning for you year after year?. We want to see your version of Idaho: Now, Then and Again. Tell us how you discovered Idaho and why you keep coming back.

Want to share your Idaho adventure story with us? It’s easy. Check out the Idaho: Now, Then and Again page, share a few details of your Idaho story and upload your photos. At least one story will be selected to be showcased in the 2021 Official Idaho Travel Guide and we’ll share multiple stories through Visit Idaho’s social channels. You can also share your summer memories using the hashtag #timelessIdaho.
Published on May 14, 2020